30 December 2017

And here we are.

I'm a perfectionist by nature and feel like my brain is perpetually on overload trying to suck less/do better, so I've never cared about New Year’s resolutions. But, in 2016, I felt like I really didn't read enough books and figured a quantifiable goal would be helpful. I shot for book a month (which still felt shamefully low given my librarian heritage, but whatever, it was realistic and still plenty more than I had been reading.) I ended up reading 13 books in 2017 and here they are.

Scrappy Little Nobody – I'm a long-time Kendrick fan and her book of theatre kid essays was the perfect way to kick-off the year.

The Descendants – Purchased while I was on Kauai and read in both the right place and headspace.

Why Not Me – Thought Kaling's first book was stronger, but still dug it.
The Handmaid's Tale – Timely, poetic, and resonated with me more than 1984 and Brave New World ever did.

The Bell Jar – Long overdue. I love Plath’s poetry. Don’t know why I held off reading her only novel, but it’s incredible.

The Princess Diarist – Rest in power, Carrie. You were a force to be sure, and such a strong part of my childhood.

Lads Before the Wind – Came highly recommended and doesn’t disappoint if you’re interested in the origins and evolution of marine mammal training.

Lads Before the Wind – Continued…dense, but worth it.
A Wrinkle in Time – Heard about the film coming out next year and decided to reread this childhood fave for funsies.

Ender's Game – Definitely better than the movie. The final chapter really stuck with me, so much so that I tore it out and saved it from the copy that Loxley otherwise obliterated.
The Stand – One of mom’s favorites and, therefore, a solid pick for my introduction to King.

The Stand – Continued…felt like a quick read, but I guess it wasn’t.

The Stand – Finished it, loved it. No plans to dive into King's more horror-laden work, but I’m always down for post-apocalyptic tales of good and evil.
Sense and Sensibility – Liked the character development and storyline more than Pride and PrejudiceMansfield Park next, maybe Emma.

Something Wicked This Way Comes – I’ve read Fahrenheit. Now, I’ve read this. I’m just not into Bradberry.

Slaughterhouse-Five – I didn’t have any expectations, other than that it would be really good. It was better.

A friend asked if I'll up my goal to 14 books in 2018. I don’t think so because it was never a competition. The resolution was meant to be a fun way to jump start the practice and help me be more mindful my time. So, I’m sticking with a book a month. Brownie points for extras and we’ll see how it goes. Happy New Year, all, and whatever your resolutions, be gentle with yourselves.

Keep on keeping on,