I know, I know. It’s April.
I’ve been doing more reading than
writing lately, apart from the writing I do for work. Truthfully, I got pretty
depressed after the inauguration and swift bombardment of overreaching
Executive Orders. From the Muslim travel ban to the gag order on federal
scientists, it was and continues to be an exhausting time. There appears to be
a fine line between staying informed and staying sane.
Today is Earth Day.
An already busy family visit mixed with someone getting in a minor car accident meant that I had to sit March for Science out.
I may not be a working scientist, but that is who I am at my core. My academic training in the sciences is at the heart of how I understand the world and think critically in an age of alternative facts. Science illiteracy is the cause of so much misunderstanding and distrust in our country today. I deeply believe that having educated citizens is as important as having informed leaders and representatives. And the scientific community must be a part of the conversation when considering environmental legislation that will affect generations to come.
Thank you to all who walked today. I am with you and will see you at Climate March in one week.
Keep on keeping on,